Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Spring!

After yesterday's snowfall, soon all of the snow will melt and will also hopefully stay away until next Winter, let me be the first to wish you a very Happy Springtime!  Spring is the time of new starts, beginnings, growth and freedom.  Green is a color that fits with spring because of the exponential greening of the earth, at least in our beautiful Westchester County and the northeast.

Most people celebrate some type of Spring remembrance, whether religious or secular.

At The College of Westchester, many students are just starting classes.  We have the option that students can actually begin their studies in May.  I know it is very unusual, but we find it to be helpful for students who may have just returned from another college and want another choice and don't want to have to wait til September to start back up.  Adult students find it is easier to fit everything in as their families' busy schedules calm down for the school year.  Online programs make it easier to get college going any time of year.

Please consider recommending a friend or family member to CW.   Contact my colleague, Matt Curtis, our Sr. Director of Enrollment to talk about it.  Matt can be reached at 914-831-0318 or

Monday, March 9, 2015

March on Selma's 50th Anniversary - The March Is Not Over Yet

The rights of all American Citizens continue to be affected positively and profoundly by the strides by those who sacrificed their time, their livelihoods, and in some cases, their lives for freedom of all people. Many are referencing the continued unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.  The New York Times News Service says "In an address at the scene of what became known as “Bloody Sunday,” President Obama rejected the notion that race relations have not improved since then, despite the string of police shootings that have provoked demonstrations. “What happened in Ferguson may not be unique,” he said, “but it’s no longer endemic. It’s no longer sanctioned by law or custom, and before the civil rights movement, it most surely was." President Obama went on to say that the march is not over yet.

White House Blog
New York Times News Service

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Another Snow Day

Can you believe this snow?  I live in New Jersey and work at CW in White Plains, NY.  The snow this winter has been especially interesting.  It comes in time for us to close schools in the morning, in order for students, faculty and staff to be safe.  The snow has certainly been plentiful this season.  And, even though it is beautiful, I am ready for Spring.  Faculty, instructors and professors have been conducting classes remotely and students are able to attend without the messy commute.

When weather slows down our pace, I have to wonder if, in fact, this is a deliberate way to get the human race to take a breath, stop and reflect.  We all talk about Springtime being the time for rebirth and fresh starts.  I look at Winter as the time we can be introspective, spend time in meditation and quiet growth and planning, in order to be ready for the explosion of color, growth and freedom in Spring.
Snow near the White Plains Transit Center

Instead of lamenting the cold weather and snow, think about taking time to enjoy your family, your pets, the quiet that the blanket of snow gives us.  It is here for us, a reminder that we deserve peace, rest and reflection.