On October 14, CW held a great Parent's orientation for parents of our new freshmen students. Many faculty, staff and administration were present to talk and visit with parents and family members. We had a great time and much good information was shared. Thanks to our parents who are the number one advocates and champions of their kids!
Here is my welcome from the event:
Thank you for taking time
out of your busy schedule to be here tonight.
I am touched and excited to see that so many of you have been able to participate. I know you all have many commitments.
Your involvement in your
child’s education is crucial and critical to their success.
Some of the best things I
ever did for my kids was to give them the support they needed as much as I
could, and helped them learn how to connect to support that I could not give them myself. My girls are now 27 and 29, and while things are
not as hands on as it used to be, they still need support; whether emotional,
financial or academic. We all know that
this support and attention begins when our children are first with us, and
changes as they grow.
I know it is a daunting
task to help your child select the right college. Thank you for choosing CW.
College is a time of
significant growth and maturity for young adults. It is fun and exciting for us to be a part of
that transformation process. The College
of Westchester has been at it for 100 years, come 2015. What differentiates our college from others is
the caring environment with personalized interest in your son or daughter’s success.
What I told our newest students
at their orientation was this: it is
about showing up, and it is about working hard.
Don’t be absent, ask for help, plow through and work hard. Though college may be a breeze or it may be
tough, on those toughest days, hang in there and don’t forget to ask for
help. College is your oasis, your safe
place, the place that you can succeed and do great things for yourself, and we
are here at every step of the way! Set a
goal for yourself and remind yourself of that goal, and you are infinitely more
likely to reach your goal. We believe
that this combination makes our students successful. Why?
Because their success is literally supported about all of the people,
our provost, staff, faculty, library, learning center, counseling center, financial
assistance, admissions, success coaches, advisors and career counselors who
are with your kids, every step of the way, celebrating the successes and
helping them when they need extra support.
I would be remiss if I
didn’t spend a moment speaking about our faculty. At CW, faculty are fully credentialed
professionals. Most have spent much
professional time in their field of study, whether accounting, business,
digital media, networking, allied health or accounting. They are not focused on research as you find
in some larger institutions. They are
focused on students, and student learning outcomes, innovative methods of
engagement and instruction. Courses are
taught by our academic department chairs and faculty members, not grad assistants as you might find elsewhere. Faculty are approachable, all have office
hours and a presence on the web in CW’s learning management system and virtual
campus online, Campus Cruiser. You couldn’t have picked
a better group to work with your child.
So please know that you
are not alone in your goal of insuring your child’s success.
Our dedication to
students, high standards of excellence and unique mission is what leads to
graduate success and security. Our
current graduate success rate is on par with prior years: We anticipate that the vast majority of grads ready
willing and able to work are, or well be employed in their field of study or a
related field. A number also continue their education. We appreciate the
opportunity to provide your children with the same great education that
thousands before them have achieved.
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students choose CW because they want a career focused education that leads to
career and financial security.
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want to do all that we can to live up to your expectations
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we don’t, please let us know. You can
always call or email anyone at the college for assistance. Call your child’s academic advisor, or email
me at dearpresident@cw.edu
My favorite day of the
year at CW is commencement, graduation day; excited graduates, proud parents
and family members, spouses, children, friends, as well as the CW community,
cheering on your kids as they make it to the finish line. It is always an amazing day, and I look
forward to seeing you all there.
Thank you again for being with us.